Desolate Beauty is a collection of beautiful barren wilderness images, from deserts, mountains, canyons and snowy peaks.
These stunning stock images are priced at $1.50 each!! You get 2 variations in color with each purchase. The stock collection on this page can be used for any personal or commercial needs. Purchases are delivered as digital downloads and are available immediately after payment is completed. A link is sent to your email, so make sure this site is whitelisted for your email client.
Buy 5 or more images and receive an automatic 10% discount on the total price!!! Detailed TOS for stock is here.
Please click on the thumbnails for a larger view of the whole image and an image slice of 100% detailed view. All larger display images are marked with a pattern of dots. This pattern is not present on licensed, full size images. These backgrounds are for personal and commercial use with some exceptions:
Any use of my backgrounds in a commercial project must be as a base to create an image or photo manipulation of your own work. The resulting derivative work can be resold, posted to a print on demand site or licensed as you please. You cannot use my images as a base image for creating an new image in any AI application, online or offline.
The backgrounds cannot be resold, posted or re-licensed for use as is. All larger display images are marked with a pattern of dots. This pattern is not present on licensed, full size images.