Stock TOS

On this page is the most current copy of the Stock TOS. For your convenience you may print a copy here.

This TOS only applies to items purchased from Art By Mel. It is your responsibility to read and understand this TOS. If you are unsure about anything, please contact me at theartist @, minus the spaces. Art By Mel ret ns all copyrights to the enclosed materials. You are not purchasing the contents, only the right to use the contents. You may not redistribute this archive file, in whole or in part. You may not store it any place on a network or on the Internet where it may be referenced by a third party. You acquire the copyright to any derivative works created using this work, provided none of the original materials can be extracted from the derivative work by any means. If Art By Mel can show that any of the original material can be extracted from your derivative work, Art By Mel can demand both the original and derivative work, and all copies thereof be deleted. For example, you cannot make an image of a texture map mapped to a flat plane, such that the original texture map can be cut & pasted from the image. This is designed to protect me from work being released, which lets other users obt n the copyrighted material, and is not meant to infringe upon the artistic endeavors of you. You may not make any MetaStream animation files with the enclosed materials, until this format can protect the original materials from being extracted.
In the event you are not satisfied with the product a refund may be issued at my discretion. If a refund is issued, you are responsible for deleting all files using the product and may not distribute the product.

You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the stock images. You are granted the power to use this license for all enclosed materials. You may use the materials in any personal projects or commercial projects, as long as the stock image is protected from extraction and none of the items above or below have been violated. You may make a single backup copy of the stock image, for personal archival purposes only. You retain this license, even if Art By Mel discontinues selling the stock images at a later date, or the price changes. Art By Mel may revoke this license, if it is shown or demonstrated to me that you have violated the terms and conditions as defined in this license.

These stock images are for personal and commercial use with some exceptions:

Any use of my stock images in a commercial project cannot be resold, posted to a print on demand site or licensed by you to others for their use as is.

Allowed uses and definitions.

Violations of use.

Legal Clarifications and Disclosure

The contents of these files have been created by Art By Mel. Purchase or sale does not give the user copyright of the contents. You agree that your intention and purpose of use is strictly legal business, ecommerce or otherwise, or personal enjoyment, and have no intent now or in the future for pursuing any illegal or hostile activities using the site where the licensed design is posted as a basis for s d activities. You agree that no person or persons, with your permission and partial or full knowledge, will attempt to link to the site where the design is posted or use the site where the design is posted for the above-mentioned activities. If you withhold any information as to the purpose of the site where this design is posted, from Art By Mel, the owner will not be held legally responsible for any fines, damages, attorney fees, court fees, etc., levied against you by any or all injured parties seeking damages or monetary retribution by civil or criminal lawsuit, including local, state, federal, international, or civil parties.

Disclaimer of Liability

Art By Mel is not responsible to you, any person or organization for any damages arising in any manner out of the use of the content and/or information made av lable on this site. You acknowledge that you assume all risk and/or responsibility for any loss and/or damage arising from the uses to which the content and/or information provided by this site is put. In other words, you are solely and fully responsible for any content that becomes part(s) of any and all web pages, documents or other projects you post or distribute, for profit or not for profit. Your use of the content is at your sole risk and is provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed, stated or implied.


You shall indemnify and hold harmless Art By Mel owneed by Art By Mel, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages or expenses (including but not limited to attorney fees) arising from your application of or use of graphics on this site or the information made av lable thereby.
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